Week 10

Are you feeling confident about your video argument?  Discuss why or why not.


  1. I feel confident about the information I have but I am nervous about how I am going to make the video. I have never edited or made a video on Adobe before so I am anxious to see how it works. However, I think my information and statistics will be successful when presenting my video argument.

  2. I am feeling confident with my argument but am still a bit unsure of what exactly is going to be in my video. I feel like I will be able to operate Adobe, it's just a matter of what I will be incorporating into my video. In order to solve this problem, I just need to sit down and review the information I've collected, deciding which I feel is the most important and relative to my argument.

  3. I am confident in my video argument and I think I can successfully convince others to agree and think in a different way. I'm also not entirely sure how I will construct the video and its content, but I'm confident it will turn out well.

  4. I am feeling somewhat confident about my video argument because I have a lot of information to support my claim, but I have never done this type of video project before so I am not exactly sure how I am going to do it. Hopefully, I will be able to combine YouTube videos to create my video. I am not sure how I am going to use the information I got from other sources in my video.

  5. I am confident in the way I can present my argument, because I know my topic very well and can present a lot of information on it. I think it may be difficult to be able to appeal to those who do not know college football as well as I do, but hopefully I can inform well enough for my audience to get a good idea on what I am arguing about.

  6. I'm confident in my video but at the same time I still have some difficulties to overcome. I never used the Premiere before, so I'm not familiar with the video editing. But I'm convinced that I can create a great video by learning the skill of editing a video on the Internet.

  7. I feel confident with my argument because there is a lot of information to support the idea that medical cannabis has its benefits. Also, opioids have proven to be extremely harmful to NFL players, and very addicting. By being able to support that medical marijuana works as a medicine AND opioids are not effective in treating players longterm, my argument is easy to make that the NFL should allow NFL players to take medicinal marijuana as a substitute to other heavy pain medications they currently use.

  8. I am confident in my topic and the research that I have come up with to this point however I am still unsure how I am going to present my information in the form of a video. There have been various anit-smoking campaigns done in the past and I am worried that I won't be able to differentiate my videos from videos that already exist. While I am still trying to come up with ideas for the video itself, I am sure that the information that I have prepared will create strong appeals to logos, pathos, and ethos.

  9. I am unsure about how confident i am about my argument because i dont know if my topic will be enough or if i should get a new topic and start completely over also the time i have missed due to events earlier this week i feel behind

  10. I am not feeling super confident about my argument because I am not good at making or producing videos. I do not really know what I will put in the video or how I will do it. However, I have really good and varied sources so that should help a little.

  11. I feel confident about my video argument because its a topic that I know about and enjoy. I'm just not sure how the video itself will turn out because I'm not used to doing things like this. I still think I will be able to figure it out though.

  12. I am confident in the way i can create the video. I feel that i can use the software pretty good. I am worry about being able to persuade people. I feel like may end up informing people and persuading.

  13. I think I'm good with all my information, but i'm just not sure how to create my video and put everything together. I'm kind of worried about how to do all of this since i have no experience with making a video like this, but other than that i'm it'll turn out fine for the most part.

  14. For my video argument I feel pretty confident. I feel that I have a strong base for my claims, and that I can back them up pretty well. I also feel that I have a different opinion than most on my topic, so it will be interesting to see people's reactions on my video; maybe I can change some minds. I also feel confident about my abilities to make a coherent, interesting video. I have some experience with making videos in the past, so I feel good that I can make a thought-provoking, interesting video.

  15. I actually feel quite confident in my subject. I find what I have so far and hope my peers find it as humorous as I do. While it is a shame I'm not doing a deep or thought-provoking argument, I feel that I am not yet at a point where I can accurately get my points across. Still, I feel happy with the subject I currently am focused on.

  16. I feel good about my argument, it's an easy topic to find arguments about and it has become increasingly easy in the past few years to get facts and information about it. I have strong feelings toward this and I think it will be fairly easy to write and talk about and get my point across to my audience.

  17. I am feeling pretty confident about my video argument. One of my challenges I am facing with my argument is how to grab the attention of my audience and appear convincing. I have narrowed down my audience a good bit to target that specific audience much more effectively. I don't have much experience with making videos so I will also need to brush up on my editing skills.


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