Week 8

How are you doing in your other classes?


  1. So far I have been doing well in my other classes. I have to study a lot more than I ever did in high school but I am learning how to adjust to college classes. I have figured out the best ways to study and manage my time which has helped me feel more prepared for each class.

  2. I have been doing generally well in my other classes. Some better than I expected and others not so much. I definitely have a much larger work load here than in high school. I have to study a lot more but it pays off.

  3. I'm doing well. It's been enjoyable so far.

  4. I am doing a lot better than I expected. A lot of individual motivation is needed, but I have plenty so that is not a problem. I enjoy the material more than what I learned in high school, which helps a lot.

  5. I'm doing a lot better this year than last year. My classes are really interesting this year since I switched my major. The work load is manageable even though I'm taking a lot of credits. I hope my success continues throughout the semester.

  6. I am doing well in most of my other classes. The work load and exam preparation have been a big adjustment, but overall I am doing better than I expected to be.

  7. I'm doing pretty well in my classes. My German class has a pretty heavy work load, but other than that I am able to manage my time pretty well. None of my classes are particularly harder than what I'm used to, they just move at a quicker pace and require more of my time.

  8. In my other classes I am doing alright maybe not as good as id hope so far but the adjustment to college is going relatively well

  9. I am doing well in my other classes, but I am having trouble in one class. Other than that I have adjusted well to most of my college courses

  10. I'm doing pretty well in my other classes, of course some better than others. I'm also learning how to manage my time better and am figuring out the best ways to study for certain classes, but overall everything seems fine.

  11. I'm doing alright in my other classes. I plan to get an A in this class, although don't have one right now. I didn't do great on my first Chemistry Exam, so my grade reflects that; however, I plan to pull atleast a B in that class. I'm actually failing this stupid CU1010 course at the moment, because I forgot to turn in my mid-term portfolio. Hopefully the teacher will let me turn it in late. And finally, I'm doing well in my engineering and math classes. I tend to have a math oriented mind, so I generally tend to do well in those classes. All in all I'm doing alright, but I can definitely do better.

  12. I’m doing alright. Would like to do better. For the most part I’m ok.

  13. I'm doing my other classes well, the new major fits me better tan previous. What I learn from the class is interesting and attractive. Though my poor English brings me numerous troubles to my study, I'm convinced that I can do better in the future.

  14. I'm doing well in my other classes. I have a relatively easy semester academically aside from one difficult class. I am happy with the content that I have been learning and I generally have found classes to be much more interesting here than in high school.

  15. I'm doing fairly well in my other classes I've got pretty much B's and some A's. It's enough to keep my scholarships and that's what matters right now. At least it's all interesting.

  16. I am currently doing ok in most of my classes. There's definitely some classes I need to put more focus into but I am confident that I will pass this semester with good grades.


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